
How do I export a PDF report?

As a project manager you choose in the control panel the project of which you want to export a report. After clicking on the tab ‘Points’ you may choose to create a PDF report of the entire project or choose to include specific filters in the report. Just click on ‘Export’ and a PDF report will be made that you can easily save, print, or forward by email.

How do I export a report of a person, a company, a department, etc?

Just enter the relevant information in the allocated filters (this may also be multiple filters at once), and then click ‘Export’.

To filter, you can set (combined) filters for each column of the list using the magnifying glass symbol at the bottom of the ‘points’ page. Various columns for the list view can be selected via the column symbol .

How can I change the cover page of my report?

After clicking the ‘export’ button, you can press the ‘advanced’ button at settings. Now the fields appear that you can adjust.

Note: the logo can be changed on the project page via the menu item ‘settings’.